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Hearing test showing ear of young woman

Hearing Loss


Losing your hearing can be frustrating and scary and maybe something that can make you self-conscious.  Often losing your hearing is a very slow process over a long period of time. We are here to help you navigate your hearing loss at different stages and make sure the equipment you need along the way is best suited for your lifestyle and level of comfort. 

Are you losing your hearing?

Often it is hard to know if you are losing your hearing. You may notice that you watch TV a little louder or start to have difficulty hearing in situations that you may not have previously had challenges.


Early detection and treatment is the be preventative action you can take for progressive hearing loss. As you stop hearing sounds, your brain can forget them. This can accelerate your hearing loss. At the first sign, come to see us. 

Early Treatment is the Most Effective Solution

Deficiency hearing problem. Empty space
Take our hearing quiz!

A few simple questions to help you get started. Sometimes early signs are not what you expect.

Male patient with hearing problem visiti
Prevent Hearing Loss

Have you started to lose your hearing? Here are some facts on preventing progressive loss.

Young woman with hearing aid on light ba

Pick the right hearing aids and service them regularly. Find out tips on using your equipment and maintaining it.

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